20 Little Lonely Houses For The Solitary Soul

The best fence is one you don’t need.

tiny house fairytale

Just Room Enough on Hub Island, Alexandria Bay, New York

Just Room Enough Island, is an island located in the Thousand Islands chain, in New York, United States. The island is known for being the smallest inhabited island, which appears to be around 3,300 square feet (310 m2), or about one-thirteenth of an acre. Purchased by the Sizeland family in the 1950s, the island has a house, a tree, shrubs, and a small beach

Only 650 stairs for those who want to reach the top of the world

tiny house fairytale

When, apart from isolation, you create your own microclimate:

isolated house

Cottage In The Woods, Scotland

Little Lonely Housessource

The Solitairy House Of Elliðaey Island, Iceland


Little Lonely Housessource

Hofskirkja, Iceland

Little Lonely Housessource

A Hut In Winter

Little Lonely Housessource

Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

Little Lonely Housessource

Hidden Forest House

Little Lonely Housessource

Apuseni Mountains, Romania

Little Lonely Housessource

Hobbit House, Wales

Little Lonely Housessource

Icelandic Mountain Meadow Retreat

Little Lonely Housessource

Trøllanes, Faroe Islands

Little Lonely Housessource