This Rare Baby Deer Was Abandoned By His Mother… And Then A Heartwarming Miracle Happened

Guess what happens when a rare baby deer was abandoned by his mother? This miracle will leave you awestruck!

Recently, a rare white-faced piebald fawn was born in Michigan and it had no clue why it was abandoned by its mother.

There are slim chances of fawns surviving when their mothers are not present. Similarly, even this fawn had no hopes of survival until it got a second chance!

Now named Dragon, this fawn has a new life and is surrounded by animals that care for him. This rescue was only possible due to the efforts of Deer Tracks Junction, who did a wonderful job in saving this fawn from dying.

Watch this video and you will be left amazed that such wonderful people still exist! Feel free to share this video with your friends so that they spread the word about this awesome story!