Supermarket Removes All Foreign Food From Shelves To Create Awareness About Racism, And Here’s The Result

Recently at Edeka supermarket in Hamburg, Most customers were surprised because there were very few products on the shelves and these products were German products. It was as if they forgot to restock the products sold before the customers observe the sign post in the shop.  One of the sign post read “A shelve without foreigner is empty.” On another post “this shelve is boring because it lacks variety.”

They later found out that Edeka embark on the controversial move to sell only German food for a day so as to convey a statement about racism and diverse ethnic group. Because of this, foreign foods such as Greek olives, Spanish tomatoes etc., and other foods items which can be found in every household were missing. One of their spokesman said, “Edeka is known for its diverse product, and we have various kind of food which are produced from different part of Germany in our assortment”. “But we satisfy our customers by adding products from other countries so as to get a unique diversity”

What is your opinion? Are they right with their approach towards creating awareness about diversity?





