25 Adorable Photos Prove Why Your Kids Need A Cat

Dogs are the most popular pets worldwide. However, there are people who believe that cats happen to be the best pets. But on the contrary, cats do not have a good reputation among most of the people. We have seen people who have grown up with cats and they exclaim that it was the most wonderful experience to have a cat as a pet when they grow up. Still, most of the people prefer dogs over cats as pets as they are under the impression that dogs are better. However, many people opine that cats make much better pets when compared to dogs. Dogs tend to roam around people they are comfortable with. But cats are good sports and they get along with everyone and gel along with them till the end. Kids can have a wonderful time with cats. But the cat has to be well-trained and your kid must also know the basics of handling a cat, especially when the cat and kid are on their own, as when they play aggressively, it might result in scratches, leading to infections. Scroll down to have a look at 25 images that recommend you to have a cat as a pet for your kid. (h/t: boredpanda)

Cat Swing

kids and catsAndrey Volobuev

Headbutts = Friends Furever

kids and cats

Crafty Kitty

kids and catsAlina Mayboroda

No Need To Cry Over Spilled Milk

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A Little Extra Warmth

kids and cats

Copy Cat

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La La La, Life With Cat Is Good

kids and catsNatasha Perfenova

Better Together

kids and cats

Elena Shumilova

Come On, You Can Do This, It’s Just A Bath

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Snuggle Time

kids and cats

The Puuurrfect Pillow

kids and cats

The Cutest Kiss Of All

kids and catsMrShutterbug