33 Must-See Historical Photos. #13 Is An Image That Changed The World.

There are some photos that just share the impact of our history without needing any worlds to describe them.  They are powerful, breath-taking, and everyone understands them entirely differently.  It is encouraging to see how important these photos are to everyone, still, even years later.  I guess in these examples, we can see how a photo is still worth a thousand words, and then some.  Here are some of the must-sees to see how much history has affected us in good and bad ways.

1. Repainting the face of Boston’s Custom House for the 1976 bicentennial celebrations.

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2. Bill Murray looking coy at Elvis’ funeral in 1977.

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3. A newsboy selling papers in Wilmington, Delaware in 1910.

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4. A girl being carried away by police at the Beatles concert at Shea Stadium in 1965. The emotion was just too much for her to handle.

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5. At the American Painting Factory, artists were hired to create portraits of war heroes for LIFE Magazine. This was in 1942.

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6. Audrey Hepburn taking a smoke break, sometime in the fifties.

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7. The Ingenues, an all-girl band and vaudeville act, serenade the cows at the University of Wisconsin. The performance was part of a 1930 experiment to see whether music boosted the cows’ milk production.

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8. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during a press conference in Birmingham, Alabama.

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9. Sparrowhawk hangs from the USS Macon, the Navy’s last flying aircraft carrier.

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10. Eleanor Roosevelt meeting the Democratic party mascot.

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11. San Francisco during the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge.

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