Canadian Couple Thought They Adopted A Mini-Pig, Until It Grew Up Into 670 Pounds Of Cuteness

Some of the characteristics of Esther are; it loves to have naps and good for cuddles, likes to eat huge quantity of food, and it craves for attention that if gets ignored she takes way of having trouble. Whatever thing Esther does she is always be a member of the family that has a permanent room in the home of the Canadian couples Steve and Derek.

Adopted A Mini-Pig

Esther created a large impact to the Canadian couple and their story also made a difference on the lives of many people around the globe, wherein the pigs are generally degraded and put down and is commonly known for its use as a ham, pork or bacon. The reality is that pigs also have much more just like human beings that has a feelings, intelligence and lots of love.

Adopted A Mini-Pig
Adopted A Mini-Pig

Adopted A Mini-Pig

Adopted A Mini-Pig

Adopted A Mini-Pig

Adopted A Mini-Pig

Adopted A Mini-Pig

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