Innovative Chinese Company Assembles 3D-Printed Modular Home in Just Three Hours

The house market can be tough especially in crowded locations. This Chinese company, Zhuoda Group, has developed a kind of house that can be put together in three hours. Yes, three. It is constructed mostly off-site with all sorts of options for customers to choose how they are put together and personalized. They can choose from a variety of different looks and feels including marble and herb-infusion.  These houses are made from materials (the exact ones are kept under wraps) that are said to be formed partially from recycled agricultural and industrial waste. With the house market booming the way it is, this housing solution is sure to make some people consider it, especially since it is fire-proof, earthquake-proof, water damage-proof, etc. Essentially, this house can survive up to 150 years of just about anything nature throws at it. This is something to seriously consider in the future especially with the population increasing the way it is. These houses are cheap and convenient. Not to mention sustainable.

More Info: Zhuoda Group: Website (h/t: InhabitatAll images via Xinhua

3D-Printed Modular Home

3D-Printed Modular Home

3D-Printed Modular Home

3D-Printed Modular Home

3D-Printed Modular Home

3D-Printed Modular Home

3D-Printed Modular Home

3D-Printed Modular Home

3D-Printed Modular Home

3D-Printed Modular Home